Project: HiCAD Plant Engineering
Handling of Material Data and Weight
If there are any parts with no assigned weight, you can calculate their weight on the basis of their material and geometry data. Do do this, activate the Calculate missing weight from geometry checkbox on the Part insertion tab of the Plant Engineering Settings dialogue.
For the handling of material data and weight, one distinguishes between the cases described below. The master data mentioned in these examples are the data of the corresponding part which are available in the selected part data source - HELIOS database or HiCAD catalogue.
Case 1: Neither Material nor Weight have been specified in the master data of the part.
- You can use the general 3-D function Material... to assign a material to the part after its insertion. You can find this function in the Properties function group of the 3-D Standard tab.
- The weight is only calculated and added to the corresponding part attribute after selection of the Plant Engineering function Update attribute value (for all parts of a pipeline or the entire drawing). Please remember that the Calculate missing weight from geometry checkbox needs to be activated. One distinguishes between different cases for the handling of weight and material of a part.
Case 2: No Material, but a Weight has been specified in the master data of the part.
- You can manually assign a material to the part after its insertion via the general 3-D function Material....
- Part attribute for weight: When fitting the part, its weight will be calculated from the weight specifications in the master data and assigned to the attribute. If you select the Plant Engineering function Update attribute value (for all parts of a pipeline or the entire drawing), the weight will be recalculated from the master data. No calculation of the weight from the geometry and the material master data will take place. The user needs to ensure that the subsequently added material data match the specified weight.
Case 3: A Material, but no Weight has been specified in the master data of the part.
- After insertion of the part, no other material must be manually assigned to the part via the general 3-D function Material....
- When the part is inserted, the weight is calculated and assigned to the corresponding part attribute.
Case 4: Material and Weight have been specified in the master data of the part.
- After insertion of the part, no other material must be manually assigned to the part via the general 3-D function Material....
- When fitting the part, its weight will be calculated from the weight specifications in the master data and assigned to the attribute. If you select the Plant Engineering function Update attribute value (for all parts of a pipeline or the entire drawing), the weight will be recalculated from the master data. No calculation of the weight from the geometry and the material master data will take place. The user needs to ensure that the subsequently added material data match the specified weight.
Please note:
- If you require a preset value for weight in the master data, you need to enter a value indicating the weight per length in kg/m. After fitting the pipe the correct weight, corresponding to the current length, is shown for the part attribute Weight.
- For pipes cut to smaller angles, the correct weight, corresponding to the adjusted length, is shown for the part attribute Weight, even if a weight has been preset in the master data.
Plant Engineering Functions • Plant Engineering Settings (PE) • Update Attribute Values (PE)
© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH Version 2402 - HiCAD Plant Engineering Date: 06/10/2019
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