Project: HiCAD 3-D


Sketch > Draw > Circle

Use these functions to insert circle elements into the active sketch or 3-D sketch. The circle is created via specification of the centre point and a point on the circumference. Additionally, Sketch Technology is activated.

Clicking opens a menu with further circle functions.

Circle, CP-Radius
Creates a circle via specification of the centre point and the radius.

Circle, 3 points/edges (no free points)
Creates a circle lying tangential to three edges.

CP-Point on circle
Creates a circle via specification of the centre point and a point on the circumference.

2 points/edges+radius
Creates a circle via identification of 2 points/edges and specification of the radius.

3 points (incl. free points)
Creates a circle via specification of 3 points.

Point - 2 edges
Creates a circle via specification of a point on the circumference and identification of 2 tangential edges.

Arc => Circle
Converts a 3-D circular arc to a 3-D full circle.


* This function is only available for sketches.


Please note:

Sketch Function (3-D)Sketch Technology (3-D) 

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 06/10/2019

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