Project: HiCAD 3-D
3-D Standard > New
3-D parts consist of 3-D points, isolated points, edges, surfaces and bodies (solids). Different part types are distinguished, depending on which geometry elements are contained in a 3-D part. The part type is indicated in the ICN by a corresponding symbol. In addition to geometry elements, 3-D parts can also contain dimensionings and texts.
A new 3-D Part is created by generating new geometry elements, by deriving them from existing parts or by loading already existing parts. To create an appropriate part structure, HiCAD distinguishes between main parts and sub-parts.
If a part is "independent" of other parts in the drawing, it is a so-called main part. In contrast, sub-parts are parts that are subordinate to another part: These are, in principle, all parts that belong to another part in the drawing by being bolted on or welded on to it. For example, bores and bolts always belong to a workpiece, which makes them sub-parts. In the case of standard parts and construction aids etc., these sub-parts are created automatically by HiCAD.
Assemblies are used in 3-D to give added structure to the construction. To define assemblies, you can use two methods:
In 3-D construction, HiCAD distinguishes between individual part drawings (detail drawings) and assembly drawings. Assembly drawings provide significantly more efficiency, especially for referencing, itemisation and BOM creation. Here, a so-called main assembly is automatically created, to which all subsequently created 3-D assemblies, main parts and sub-parts are subordinated. Each drawing can contain only one main assembly.
Please note:
Part Creation Functions (3-D) • Part Creation Hints (3-D)
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