Project: HiCAD 3-D

Connect Untrimmed Surfaces

3-D FFS > Process > Connect untrimmed surfaces

Use this function to connect 2 untrimmed surfaces continuously.

  1. Identify the border of the 2 freeform surfaces you want to connect.
  2. Specify whether you want to change only the second surface or both surfaces.
  3. Select the connecting method:

The two freeform surfaces shown below are to be connected with each other:

Left: Change of 2nd surface, Method: Continuous; Right: Change of both surfaces, Method: Continuous

Left: Change of 2nd surface, Method: Curvature-continuous; Right: Change of both surfaces, Method: Curvature-continuous

The enlarged image shows that the curvature-continuous method produces rounder transitions than the tangent-continuous method.

Process Surfaces (3-D FFS)Overview of Functions (3-D FFS) • Freeform Surfaces 

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Version 2402 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 06/10/2019

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