Project: HiCAD 3-D
3-D Dimensioning + Text > Edit > Edit... > Frame
Use the functions of this menu to add frames or brackets to dimension figures and remove these frames/brackets again.
Alternatively, you can access these functions via the context menu for dimension figures (right-click dimension figure).
3-D Dimensioning + Text > Edit > Edit... > Frame, Set
Use this function to put dimension figures in a frame or in brackets.
You can select whether you want to apply the function to individual dimensions, all dimensions of a dimension structure, or all dimensions within a defined selection rectangle.
Select the desired frame or brackets and specify the elements of the annotation that you want to put into the frames or brackets. Specify in the Existing frames area how to proceed with already existing frames of a dimension.
Exit the dialogue window with OK. HiCAD prompts you (depending on the selected function) to identify the dimensions
If no frame is selected in the dialogue window, i.e. if all checkboxes in the Frame includes are deactivated, you can also use the functions to delete existing frames/brackets.
3-D Dimensioning + Text > Edit > Edit... > Frame, Delete
Use these functions to delete individual frames/brackets, all frames/brackets of a dimensioning structure, or all frames/brackets within a defined selection rectangle.
Dimensioning (3-D) • Edit Dimensions (3-D) • The Dimension Text Editor (3-D)
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