Project: HiCAD 3-D
Drawing > Save/Reference > Part... > Create feature variant
Use this function to save the active 3-D part as a feature variant in the VAA format.
The following requirements must be fulfilled:
If this is not the case, the saving of the variant will fail, and HiCAD will display the following message:
No variables exist for variant!
If the requirements are fulfilled, you can save the part to a selected folder as a VAA file.
The created variant initially only contains one sub-type of the active part, i.e. the variant initially has one data record. If you want to add further sub-types (data records), use the Variant Editor for this.
The HiCAD directory PlantParts (FILEGRUP.DAT directory "6" is the default directory for the saving of feature variants. This directory is for Plant Engineering parts only. Therefore, please do not save any general variants to this folder, as their structure differs from that of Plant Engineering VAA files.
Please note:
Create Feature Variant (3-D) • Variant Editor • Referencing Functions (3-D) • Variants - Example (3-D)
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