Project: HiCAD 3-D
Align Views
3-D Standard > New > Extruded
> 2-D->3-D Conversion > Align Views
When reading 2-D legacy data from other systems via the DXF interface, you can use this function to correct inaccuracies in the legacy data.
- Always activate this function, if required, after defining the views, but before the deriving the 3-D model.
- Enter the
Sort tolerance for point distance value and exit the input window with OK.
- Enter the
Sort tolerance for tangent angle value and exit the input window with OK .
- Then specify whether you want to align the front view or not:
- Yes: All point distances and tangent angles of the front view which are less than the specified tolerance values will be aligned automatically. The other views will be aligned to the front view.
- No:
The front view will not be aligned automatically. However, the two other views will be aligned to the front view.
This function can only be executed if you have specified the Views for the 2-D model accordingly!
© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH Version 2402 - HiCAD 3-D Date: 06/10/2019
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