Project: HiCAD 3-D


3-D Standard > New > Solid primitive > Cylinder

This function enables you to create circular cylinders and cylinder segments. It also enables you to generate hollow cylinders.

Choose the Type of insertion: Either via preview or Via points (activate checkbox).

Then, enter the required parameters.

Type Via preview Via points

Solid body



  • Height
  • Diameter
  • Diameter

Hollow body



  • Height
  • Diameter
  • Wall thickness (internal)
  • Diameter
  • Wall thickness (internal)




  • Height
  • Diameter
  • Start and end angle
  • Diameter
  • Start and end angle

Hollow segment



  • Height
  • Diameter
  • Wall thickness (internal)
  • Start and end angle
  • Diameter
  • Wall thickness (internal)
  • Start and end angle

Enter the article number and specify, by activating or deactivating the relevant checkboxes, whether:


If you have chosen the insertion type "via preview" (= Via points), specify the fitting position of the cylinder in the drawing. The fitting point is the centroid of the base surface.

If you have chosen the insertion type Via points , define the start and end points of the axis, e.g. Absolute (0,0,0) and (0,0,500).

Hollow cylinder: (1) Height, (2) Diameter, (3) Wall thickness, (4) Fitting point

In the case of negative entries for the height or the axis lengths, they are marked off in the direction of the corresponding negative axis.

Solid Primitives (3-D)Part Creation Functions (3-D)

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 06/10/2019

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