Project: HiCAD 3-D

Alignment of Derived Drawings

Right-click > Properties > Alignment of derived drawings ...

Use these functions in the context menu of 3-D parts to specify for assemblies, general 3-D parts, beams, Sheet Metal parts, Steel Engineering plates and pipelines whether the active view of a derived drawing is to be considered to be the

Front view or the

Top view.

This setting influences the alignment of the assemblies, parts, beams, sheets and plates in derived drawings as well as the pipelines in isometries and pipe spool drawings.

If you want to undo the chosen alignment, Reset .


The chosen alignment is marked accordingly in the drawing:

Left: Active view as front view; Right: Active view as top view

If the assembly or the view is rotated, the marking of the parts will be adjusted accordingly:

The visibility of the marking can be switched on or off via the settings in the Configuration Editor at System settings > Visualisation > Show alignment of active 3-D part in drawing:



The result of the check will then be shown in a dialogue window. Here it will be listed for which of the chosen plates the new alignment was successful, and to which no new alignment could be applied.

Use the symbols on the left to switch between the following representations of the list:

Detailed list

Abridged list

List with several tabs

Click the symbol to save the result list as a CSV file.

Part Properties (3-D) • Surface, Line ans Edge ParametersColour EditorModel and Process Parts (3-D) • Derived Drawing - Active View as Front View/Top View 

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 06/10/2019

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