Project: HiCAD 3-D
If you right-click a part in the drawing or in the ICN, a context menu with a Referencing sub-menu will be displayed. The following functions are available:
Functions |
Update, Identical parts of active part Adjusts all identical parts of the active part that exist in the drawing to the status of the active part - irrespective of whether it has been saved or not. |
Update, Active part, from file Adjusts the active part and its identical parts to the status of the corresponding KRA file. |
Adjusts all referenced parts and their identical parts in the current drawing to the status of the corresponding KRA files. |
Save referenced part Saves the current status of a referenced part. Please pay attention to the path settings. The path must be set to which the part was saved at the time of its definition. |
Activates the Lock against processing menu. The functions of this menu enable you to lock referenced parts against accidental modifications. |
Break up, Active part Removes the referencing of the active part, but the referencing of any identical parts will be retained. |
Break up, Active part + identical parts Removes the referencing of the active part and all its identical parts. |
Break up, Active Part + sub-parts Removes the referencing of the active part (or assembly) and all its subordinate parts. |
Break up, All parts Removes all referencings in the drawing. |
Settings Update, Position This setting determines how the position of parts in a referenced assembly upon its update. The following dialogue windows will be displayed:
Settings Update, Save/Load One–way referencing
Please note:
can be switched off during the current HiCAD session, by activating the Suppress message in this session checkbox.
Settings for Referencing (3-D) • External Referencing (3-D) • Internal Referencing (3-D) • Dependent Part (3-D)
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