Project: HiCAD 3-D

Insert Form/Positional Tolerances

3-D Dimensioning + Text > Surface/Edge > Form/Pos

Once you have called the function, the Form/Positional Tolerances dialogue window is displayed,enabling you to set the desired parameters for the tolerances. Once you have clicked OK to exit the dialogue window, the insertion of the tolerance begins.

Load/Save as favourite

You can save the current settings in the Form/Positional Tolerances window as an FPT file and subsequently reload them at any time.

Select leader line

The following options are available for leader lines:

Tolerance with element (leader line with angle)

Tolerance with element and reference (twice-angled leader line)

Tolerance with reference (perpendicular leader line without angle)

Choose the desired leader line type by activating the corresponding symbol. The symbol is then highlighted. In the case of reference lines with a bend, you can also choose how you want the symbol line to be drawn.  In the case of a twice-angled reference line, this option can be selected separately for both lines.

Symbols, tolerance values and letters

The geometrical tolerances are specified in a rectangular frame - the tolerance frame. It consists of two or more compartments containing the symbol for the feature to be toleranced, the tolerance value, the letter for datums..

You can select the toleranced property quite simply in the list box. In the other fields, you can define the tolerance values and letters.

You can additionally select the Maximum Material Condition or the Projected (Upstream) Tolerance Zone ID for any value or letter. You can select  the ID directly in the list box. You can place the diameter symbol or the character as a plus/ minus sign in front of the values in the input field. }  

Enter tolerances

Once you have selected all the settings in the Form/Positional Tolerances window, click OK to exit the window. The ensuing dialogue depends on the selected leader line option

Perpendicular leader line with angle

  1. Reference surface for the base point
  2. Specification of the base point
  3. End point of the reference line and symbol position

Twice-angled leader line

  1. Reference surface for the base point
  2. Specification of the base point
  3. Specification of the inflexion points
  4. End point of the reference line and symbol position

Perpendicular leader line without angle

  1. Identification of the 1st. reference surface
  2. Specification of the 1st base point
  3. Identification of the 2nd reference surface
  4. Specification of the 2nd base point

Form/Positional Tolerances (3-D)Dimensioning (3-D)Text and Annotation (3-D)

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 06/10/2019

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