Project: HiCAD 3-D

Solid/Surface Set

3-D Standard > Tools > Surface > Surfaces, Further... > Solid/Surface set

Surfaces that converge on their edges can be unioned to form a surface set. If this surface set is completely closed it forms a solid. Use the functions of the Surface set menu to:

Generate surface set

Use this function to union surfaces to form a surface set. If the surface set is completely closed it forms a solid. This function is, for instance, useful if you want to read IGES data and convert imported surface bodies into solids.

When executing the function please note the following:

  • The surfaces which are to form the surface set need all belong to one part. When reading the IGES data the parameter need to be set accordingly. Otherwise you need to rework the part with the Change 3-D part structure function.
  • You may use the Invert surface set function to swap the front and the back side of individual surfaces. In this context, the 3-D shade back surfaces function should be mentioned, which enables you to display back surfaces of parts in different colours.

Break up surface set

Use this function to break up a surface set.

By this means you can, for instance, convert a solid into a part with free edges.

Invert surface set

Use this function to swap front side and back side of a freeform surface. However, this is only possible for isolated freeform surfaces (and not, for instance, for freeform surfaces created as a result of a filleting process).

The swapping of sides can be seen, for instance, in the shading of back surfaces or the representation of freeform surface normals. The transfer of such data to CNC machines enables a milling of a part from the other side as well.

(1) Original part with selected surfaces, (2) Target part, (3) Original part after execution of the function (4) Target part after execution of the function

Further Surface Functions (3-D)Surface Functions (3-D)Model and Process Part (3-D)

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 06/10/2019

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