Project: HiCAD 2-D


2-D Geometry > Draw > Tangent 

There are three ways of generating tangents on circular arcs or circles. You can find the Tangent menu in the Draw function group of the 2-D Geometry tab.

The tangent is inserted into the active part. There may be several solutions, which are offered in a cyclical order. You can also apply tangents to ellipses. However, only one solution, which results from the identification point, is made available here.





Identify two circles on which you want the common tangent to be placed. Four solutions are made available in cyclical order.

Pull-down menu Tangent

You use this function to specify the direction of the tangent below an angle with the positive x-axis.

  1. First enter the angle and then select the circle or circular arc for the tangent.
  2. Now specify the length of the tangent.

The tangent is drawn with the specified length in both directions at the tangent point of the circle. If you activate the right mouse button instead of entering the length, you can specify the length of the tangent graphically in one direction.

You use this function to draw the tangent to the circle, starting from a point.

  1. Specify the start point for the tangent.
  2. Select the circle or the ellipse.

Of the two options available, that tangent is selected that is closest to the identification point. If the start point of the tangent is located on a circle, you will be asked to enter the length of the tangent. The tangent is placed on the tangent point in two symmetrical partial lines.

New Graphical Elements (2-D)Settings (2-D)

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Version 2402 - HiCAD 2-D
Date: 06/10/2019

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