Project: HiCAD 2-D

Circular Arc Approximation

2-D Geometry > Draw > Arc > Approximation...

Changing curves to circular arcs is a smoothing method, which is also called circular arc approximation. All polylines of the active part are each replaced by a circular arc approximation.

You can use an error tolerance to control the precision of the approximation. The error tolerance affects the accuracy with which you want the smoothed curve to adjust to the existing points of the polyline. The smaller this tolerance is, the more accurately the curve adjusts to the support points. HiCAD provides several functions for circular arc approximation:

Unlike splines, the circular arcs created with these functions can be processed using HiCAD functions.

Arc without tangent

2-D Geometry > Draw > Arc > Arc without tangent

This function enables you to enter the tolerance limit for the circular arc approximation.

The smoothed curve is drawn provisionally over the polyline. If you do not accept the smoothed curve arc, you can repeat the procedure using another tolerance.

The original polyline can be saved and is then deleted on the screen.

Circular Arc Approximation without Tangent


Arc with tangent

2-D Geometry > Draw > Arc > Arc with tangent

This function enables you to enter the tolerance limit and the start angle for the circular arc approximation.

(1) Polyline with 5 partial lines
(2) Smoothed curve consisting of 5 independent smooth curve arcs

Polyline as circle

2-D Geometry > Draw > Arc > Polyline as circle

This function enables polyhedral lines to be transferred to circular arc segments. Only lines up to a certain length or up to a certain angle are combined, thus preserving sharp corners as corners.

  1. Specify a limit value for the length of the lines.
  2. Then specify a tolerance for the deviation of the circular arcs created from the original graphical element.
  3. Then specify an angle as limit value for the consecutive lines.
  4. Identify the graphical element.

The approximation is then performed.

Create Curves (2-D)Create Splines (2-D)Edit Splines (2-D)Line Tools (2-D)

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD 2-D
Date: 06/10/2019

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