Project: HiCAD 2-D
Drawing > Insert Part > Drawing frames
This function inserts a drawing frame with title block as a main part into the active drawing.
If no Sheet area (Views ICN tab) is active when you call the function, you will be asked whether HiCAD should switch to the first Sheet area for insertion of the drawing frame.
If you want to complete the title block later, select Drawing > Others > Extras >Tools > Complete title block , without DB.
Exchange of DIN frames for foreign languages
If, in the title block, the virtual HELiOS attribute language ID (HEL__LANGUAGE) begins with EN or FR, the DIN frames are exchanged for DINA*-ENGL.FGA or DINA*-FRANZ.FGA.
Complete title block, without DB
Drawing > Others > Extras > Tools > Complete title block, without DB
If you want to complete the title block later, this function is available. Once you have activated the function, you are prompted for the text for the individual fields of the title block in turn.
You can use the text functions to change these texts subsequently.
Complete title block, DB attributes
Drawing > Others > Extras > Tools > Complete title block , with attributes
If you want to complete the title block later, this function is available. With this function, you use the drawing attributes for the title block.
Change language for title block texts
The source language is always the first in WBSPRACH.DAT. If the language ID is the same as the source language (1st language), there is no translation and no message is issued.
Insert Part (2-D) • Create Part (2-D)
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