Project: Catalogue Editor
In principle, each table row in the Catalogue Editor, i.e. each data record, is a part, which means an article in HELiOS. The question arises which information of the Catalogue Editor can be assigned to which article attribute in HELiOS.
Attribute assignment - Example
Generally, one distinguishes between the following assignment directions:
optional attribute assignments are possible via HELiOS article master management, which provides the HELiOS user with information. Use the HELiOS Settings function to specify such assignments. There you can specify to which HELiOS attribute the catalogue/table name is to be assigned (if desired).
Example - Assigning of catalogue nand table name
Example - Assigning of further attributes:
Please note that no transfer (no "Catalogue->HELIOS article master management associativity) takes place when updating the catalogue. It is therefore possible that the data in the catalogue and in HELiOS article master management do no longer correlate after an update has been made!
Please note that it is not possible to transfer attribute contents from the HELiOS article master management to the catalogue.
If, for instance, you want the article number to be displayed in the catalogue as well, this needs to be specified via the transfer direction Catalogue -> HELiOS article master management. Proceed as follows:
Example- Assigning of the HELiOS article number to additional attribute CUSTOM1
Standard Parts and HELiOS (PDM) • The 'HELiOS' Menu • Link Columns to Attributes
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