Project: Catalogue Editor

Edit Record

Not all fields of a record can be changed. This applies in particular to the pre-defined records of HiCAD tables. Usually, only the status can be changed here. Newly added records can however always be changed.

Change value/text

  1. Double click on the field.
  2. Enter the new value or text. You can also use the Copy/Paste functions. You will find these functions in the Edit menu or context menu, which can be activated by clicking on a field with the right mouse button.

If you change an entry in the BZ column, this can also affect the HiCAD part attributes, i.e. on Article number and Designation2.


In our example we selected a hollow profile from the table HQ-hot (DIN EN 10210-2 HQ), e.g. HQ 20x20x2 DIN EN 10210-2:

Let us assume that you do not want the DIN designation DIN EN 10210-2 to be displayed. To prevent this, you can change the BZ field in the Catalogue Editor accordingly:



If you want to change data records of standard tables, you should always make copies of these data records, and then change the copy. then set the status of the original to Deleted and save the table. Instead of the original record, HiCAD will offer the copy for selection. If required, you can reactivate the original record by changing the status in the Catalogue Editor accordingly.

Set status

You can assign different statuses to every record. This status has an effect on the selection of standard parts in HiCAD. To set the status, you need to:

  1. Double click on the Status field.
  2. Open the list box with the key.
  3. Select the new status. The following status options are possible:


To search within a column, proceed as follows:

  1. Enter the search key in the search box of the icon bar.
  2. Place the cursor in the column you want to search on the line where you want to start the search.
  3. Press the right mouse button and select the Search for ... command. The found search key will be marked.
  4. Press – if required - F3 to continue the search.


Please note:

If you want to hide data records with the status Deleted when you open a table, activate the Hide deleted data records option in the View menu. This is the default setting. If this option has been activated, the message !!! Caution! Hidden contents: Data records !!! will be displayed in the title bar of the Catalogue Editor when you open a table with "deleted" data records.

Replace text block

In order to replace a text block within a column, you need to:

  1. Mark the area in the column that you want to replace.
  2. Press the right mouse button and select Replace text block.
  3. Enter the text that you want to be replaced, and then enter the replacement text.
  4. Exit the dialogue box with OK.

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - Catalogue Editor
Date: 06/10/2019

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