Project: HELiOS + HiCAD
HELiOS PDM > HELiOS PDM functions for active part > Prod... > ... via CAD structure
Context menu (RMB) > HELiOS > ... via CAD structure
To select the HELiOS > Derive part structure, via CAD structure function for the entire drawing, right-click the top part in the ICN. To select the function for particular assemblies or parts, right-click them in the drawing. You can find the function in the HELiOS sub-menu of the context menu.
A dialogue window will be displayed, enabling you to specify which elements of the CAD structure are to be derived.
The individual parts will be saved to the database with a new document number (and all data except for sheet numbers and indices) and will be replaced by the derived parts in the drawing.
In the dialogue, only those parts are offered for derivation that actually can be derived. Other parts are greyed out.
When you click OK, it will first be checked in the database whether all requirements for a derivation are met. For example, the link between the article master and the document master of a referenced part must be unambiguous. If any problems occur, no derivations will be performed. An error symbol on the affected element indicates that there is a problem, of which the "mouse over" text of the symbol gives a short description.
If the test was successful, the following will be done for all parts:
The derivations will be assigned to the active HELiOS Project.
The following parts cannot be derived:
Steel Engineering parts with the Steel Engineering ID: "Standard bolting", Individual standard part" or "Bolting group".
Parts with pipe article masters (semi-finished products)
Sub-parts of locked or released referenced part (unless these are also derived - see above).
Please note:
In cases where several geometries are linked to one article, both geometries will be derived and exchanged in the linked drawing.
Context Menu HELiOS • Bill of Materials and Product Structure • Configuration • PDM Functions in HiCAD
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