Project: HELiOS PDM for Inventor

Workspace (HELiOS PDM for Inventor)

On the right hand side of the Inventor screen you can see a dockable HELiOS window called Workspace.

To hide or show the window, click the button in the Settings function group of the HELiOS Ribbon tab.

In this window, all documents in a session are listed.

The pen symbol in the last column of the result list indicates whether a document is currently being edited. An activated checkbox in the Loaded column indicates whether a document is currently loaded in Inventor.

The drawing that is currently active in the CAD workspace will be marked with a green dot in the Loaded column.

In the Changed, locally column the computer symbol indicates that a document has been changed and saved locally since the last synchronization with HELiOS. If the exact status of a HELiOS document cannot be determined (e.g. due to an error), a question mark will be shown here.

Besides, attributes of the document can be displayed. Click to open the HELiOS result list configuration, allowing you to add attributes to the result list, or remove attributes from it. Via the pull-down menu next to the icon you can load, like in HELiOS, saved result list configurations.

The editing icons to the right of the pull-down menu have the following meaning: Click to indicate that a document is currently being edited.

Click to confirm the changes to a document (saves changes and ends editing), to cancel editing, discard the changes and close the window.

Click to remove a marked document from the CAD session (a prerequisite for this is that it is currently not opened on your local program). This also means that documents cannot be removed from the Workspace while their superordinate assembly is open. Only after closing the document of the superordinate assembly can you remove documents from subordinated parts from the Workspace.

Multiple selections are also possible.

The complete functional scope of the Document context menu functions of HELiOS will be available to you when you right-click a row of the result list in the docking window, allowing you to open documents in Inventor (right-click and select Load). Double-clicking a row in the list opens the corresponding HELiOS Document detail mask.


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© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HELiOS PDM for Inventor
Date: 11/12/2019

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