Project: HELiOS
When you right-click a document in the result list, you will find the Notes document sub-menu in the displayed context menu.
If a notes document already exists for a document, it can be shown with the Show notes document function.
Use the Create notes document function to create a HELiOS master data document (.PDF) that is linked to the source document. All attribute values will be taken over (except for the data record-specific, unique values, e.g. the document number, which will be generated).
If you right click the document that has been linked to the notes document and select Notes document > Edit notes document, an editing dialogue will be displayed (you can only continue working in HELiOS after closing this window).
The exact arrangement and representation of the notes document contents, as well as the available Editor for the notes document depend on the corresponding file type.Generally, it can be compared to a graphic preview in which you can insert your personal notes (annotations, arrows etc.).
Select Delete notes document to remove notes documents that have been created for a document.
Use the Reject notes document function to mark the notes document of a document as rejected. If you want to accept the notes document again, e.g. after its revision, select
Accept notes document.
A previously rejected notes document can be reactivated with the Restore noted document function in order to still allow its acceptance after a renewed editing.
If a notes document exists for a HELiOS document, this will be marked with an icon indicating the status of the notes document:
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