Project: HELiOS

The Attribute Editor - Attribute Link

If you have defined default value lists for several attributes within a mask, e.g. the document input mask, you can link these attributes. For instance, if you select the Steel value form the Material default list, the linked list, e.g. Weight, will only display a selection of values, namely only those which are linked to the Steel value.

Please note:

Click the Attribute link button to call the function. If an attribute link has already been defined, it will be displayed in the text field. You have now the following options:


An example will now be given to clarify this function. Here you are supposed to create links of the object type Article between the attribute values of the attributes Material and Weight.


Define new attribute links:

  1. Click the New button. The text field of the attribute link will be reset. 
  2. Now select Add attribute. The Attribute selection window will be displayed.
  3. Specify the attributes you want to link.
  4. Press the CTRL-, respectively SHIFT-key to mark several attributes. Click OK to take over the attributes.

The attributes will be inserted into the input window. The values you have previously entered into the default list will now be displayed. You can now link the values.

  1. Mark the values you want to link in both attribute lists and click on Add link

If you mark all linked attribute values now, all links will be shown by red lines.

To delete a link, mark the appropriate entries again and click on Delete link.


The tabs offer a variety of display options for the links:


Please note:

To delete an attribute link, you first need to delete the individual links by marking them and clicking on the Delete link button. 

After removing all individual links (i.e. when all red connecting lines have disappeared) and closing and reopening of the dialogue window the corresponding attribute link will have been removed from the system.

Attribute EditorGeneral Information on HELiOS

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HELiOS
Date: 11/12/2019

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