Configuration (VarEdit)

Please note:

The assigned language will only be saved together with the variant if the Designation field is not empty. For each further language, the pre-setting <text_input_n> will be entered (n is an internal ID referring to the index of the text). You can simply overwrite this entry, so that a corresponding can be entered.

An example: You load a variant. In the Languagefield, a language ID is displayed, but the Designation field is empty. If you want to add further languages and save this assignment together with the variant, you need to fill in the Language field for at least one language. If required, the designation <text_input> will then be assigned to the other languages.

  • HiCAD variant in case of a simple variant
  • Derived from <Name of base variant> in case of a structured variant which is no base variant,
  • Base variant in case of a base variant.

If you want further attributes to be displayed in the Attribute assignment dialogue window, you can achieve this by expanding the corresponding file


in the PlantParts\CatSearch of your HiCAD installation. nnnnnnn stands for the Part type ID.

For example, if you want the attribute ZUBEHOERSATZ (=Accessory set) for flanges (Part type ID 5100010) to be also displayed in the Attribute assignment dialogue window, you need to expand the file 5100010.CatSearchAtt.txt accordingly, i.e. add the entry


The result will look as follows:

This button enables the configuration of the attribute value for the Article number attribute. (when performing a part data synchronisation with the HELiOS Database, the content of this attribute will be assigned to the HELiOS part attribute BESTELLVERMERK (=ORDER_NOTE).

When you click the Select attribute button in the Article number configuration dialogue window (appears after clicking the button), a list of the following attributes will be offered for selection:

  • Attributes that have been assigned in the Variables + Attributes dialogue, and
  • constant attributes, i.e. Designation and attributes displayed at the click of the button.

If you double-click a row or mark the row with a left-click and select OK, the corresponding attribute name will be inserted in <> brackets at the current cursor position in the input field of the Article number configuration dialogue. The name is the placeholder for the actual attribute value.

If you click Save (or press CTRL+S), the content of the input field will be saved as an article number configuration to a file, provided that this sequence of characters does not exist yet.For each part type, a corresponding file exists in the subdirectory PlantParts\CatSearch, e.g. 1010011.DesignationConfig.txt.

You can select yet another of the article number configurations that are saved for the current article number configurations. Click Load (or press CTRL+L) ,then double-click a row or mark the row with a left-click and select OK. The corresponding configuration is then entered in the input field.

When you then click Apply, you will be asked whether you want to save the article number configuration entered in the input field, if it has not been saved yet.

If you now click the button for constant attributes, you will see that the article number configuration that you have just applied has been entered in the list. The corresponding input field is now greyed out.

* These options are currently only available for Plant Engineering variants.

Edit Variants

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - Variant Editor
Date: 14/09/2018

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