Stiffeners (3-D SE)

Steel Engineering > Plate, new > Fit stiffeners

Stiffeners can be fitted, with (internally or externally) chamfered or filleted corner, with one side or two sides, as partial or full stiffeners.

You define the position of a stiffener via the distance from the beam end, the distance from the fitting point or by specifying a fitting point. To define the distance, you can choose the front side, the middle or the reverse side of the stiffener as a reference point.

Fitting aligned to the front side of the stiffener

Once you have activated the Stiffener function, first identify the beam to which you want a join to be made. The selection window for stiffeners is displayed.

Settings and Options for Stiffeners


By activating the relevant option, you choose the front side, the middle or the reverse side of the stiffener as a reference here. The preview image is updated accordingly, depending on the option selected

You define the position of a stiffener by:

  • explicitly specifying the distance from the beam end
  • specifying a reference point, to which the stiffener is then perpendicular
  • specifying a reference edge. The stiffener is generated in alignment direction.

In addition, by activating the Adjust position dynamically checkbox , you can define that the stiffener is automatically adjusted whenever there is a feature recalculation.

You can choose here whether you want

  • a full or a partial stiffener to be fitted ,
  • fitting to be one-sided or two-sided,
  • the corner to be chamfered or filleted.

You enter the values for the chamfer/ radius in the lower section of the window.

If you have selected the full stiffener as the stiffener type, enter the chamfer length/ fillet radius and clearance, depending on the corner option selected.

If you want the chamfer length/fillet radius to be determined automatically, activate the Automatic Chamfer/Fillet checkbox.

Partial stiffeners provide various options for determining the outer chamfer. Depending on the option selected, further input fields, e.g. fx, fy or Angle, are then active in the value input area.

As for full stiffeners, you also enter the chamfer length/ fillet radius and clearance here. If you want HiCAD to determine the chamfer length/fillet radius automatically, activate the relevant checkbox. In addition, define the height of the partial stiffener in the Height field.

The stiffener can be fitted as a plate, flat steel or broad flat steel. The width of the stiffener is determined automatically or by entering a value.

If you selected the automatic calculation, the calculated width will be displayed in the (then greyed out) input field.

You choose the thickness of the stiffener in the selection list (SIZE) and the material in the list box (Type) below it.


Fitting the Stiffener

After completion of all required settings in the Stiffener dialogue window, confirm them and close the window with OK.

If you have chosen to insert the stiffener via a fitting point, identify this point. The stiffener is fitted directly. HiCAD provides several solution options for partial stiffeners.

Once HiCAD has fitted the stiffener, you can use the selected settings to insert more stiffeners. If you want to end the function, press the right mouse button.


If the reference beam is a main part that does not belong to an assembly, an assembly will be formed, with the beam as assembly main part and the stiffener as sub-part.

If the reference beam belongs to an assembly, the stiifener will also be assigned to this assembly as a sub-part.

Plates (3-D SE)Steel Engineering Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Steel Engineering
Date: 28/09/2018

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