Structural Analysis (3-D SE)

Steel Engineering > Further functions > Extras > Structural analysis

You use this function to perform structural analyses for

Select the function the Structural analysis dialogue window will be displayed.

You can analyse beams by entering specific values, or perform the calculation for the active beam of your drawing. The dialogue window is composed of the following areas:



System and Dimensions
Here you specify the desired beam type - cantilever beam or single-span beam - and the desired system for the calculation. Offered for selection are various systems that you can select from a drop-down list of preview graphics, e.g. cantilever beam with single loads or line loads, single-span beams with centred/non-centred single load or line load, inclined continuous beam.

Then, enter the values required for the calculation, e.g. the length of the beam, the distance of the bearing points from the load, the span length or the inclination.

Which fields of the dialogue windows will active depends on the system you selected. Invalid entries will be marked with the symbols.


Here you select the beam and the material that you want to use for the beam. The selection of the beam for the calculation can take place

via the catalogue or

by identification of a beam in your drawing.

The fields in the Beam area of the dialogue window will be updated automatically.


  • The structural cross-section values A, Wy and Iy will only be automatically entered for I-beams and U-beams.
  • When selecting a beam from the selection list, you need to specify the length of the beam in the System and Dimensions area of the dialogue window. Please also consider the scale of the drawing!



Stresses and permissible values

Here you specify further values for the calculation, e.g. the single load or the line load (depending on the selected system), the permitted stress and deflection (quotient).



Calculation result
This area displays the bearing forces, maximum shear forces, maximum bending moments, deflection, stress, shear stress and the proof of stability. If the beam has passed the test, this will be shown by the symbol; if the test was unsuccessful, the symbol will appear. .

Click the icon to load the ISD pre-settings. Click OK to close the dialogue window and end the function.


Please note:

The calculation tool is only an aid for performing rough girder calculations. It cannot replace calculations performed by calculation which have been especially designed for such calculations! Therefore, you should always check the values that are calculated.

Steel Engineering Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Steel Engineering
Date: 28/09/2018

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