Curve/Straighten Beams (3-D SE)


Steel Engineering > Further functions > Curve

You use this function to curve beams. The curving can be performed - in flange or web plane - by specifying the rise or the radius.

Curve beam, with and without trim

Proceed as follows:

  1. Identify the beam to be curved. The Curve window is displayed.
  2. By activating the relevant option, choose whether you want the curvature to be performed by specifying the Radius or the Rise.
  3. If you have chosen the Radius, enter the value for the radius and specify, by activating the relevant radius option, whether you want the value to refer to the Beam axis, the Inner edge or the Outer edge.
  4. If you have selected Rise to, enter the value for the rise.
  5. Specify whether you want the curvature to refer to the Web or the Flange.
  6. Activate the With bevel checkbox if you want the beam to be trimmed at the beam ends perpendicular to the processing plane.
  7. Choose OK to exit the window.
  8. Define the curvature direction by specifying a 3-D point.

The section is curved to enable the selected edge or axis to have the specified radius.




Steel Engineering > Further functions > Straighten

This function converts a curved beam back into a straight beam.

The section length is not preserved. This function takes start and end points into account, as does the Curve function.

Further Processing Functions (3-D SE)Process Beams (3-D SE)Steel Engineering Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Steel Engineering
Date: 28/09/2018

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