Steel Engineering > Lengthen > Divide
The functions of this menu enable you to divide a beam once and flush, by specifying the distance of the division from the beam end. Proceed as follows:
Clicking opens a pull-down menu with further functions:
Divide beam once, with clearance Dividing a beam into two shorter beams – either with clearance or overlap.
The position of the clearance/overlap results from: division distance ± 1/2 the size of the clearance/overlap. |
Divide beam several times, flush Dividing a beam into several beams of equal size, which adjoin one another without gaps. Specify the number of beam segments. |
Divide beam several times, with clearance Multiple, equidistant division of a beam with a defined clearance between two beam segments:
The beam is divided into beams of the same size. The position of the clearance/overlap results from: division distance ± 1/2 the size of the clearance/overlap. |
(1) Source beam with division direction (2) Beam divided once + flush, (3) Beam divided once, with overlap, (4) Beam divided several times, with clearance
Bolts and sub-parts of a beam are assigned to one of the two newly created parts. A sub-part such as a plate is assigned to the closest main part.
Process Beams (3-D SE) • Steel Engineering Functions
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