Base Plate (3-D SE)

"Civil Engineering" docking window > Steel Engineering > Macros > Base plate

You use the Base plate macro to insert a base plate for a column. The plate size is determined based on the girder and the sizes that you entered in the Base plate dialogue window.

  1. Activate the desired options and enter the required data.
  2. Choose OK to exit the window.
  3. Identify the beam to which you want the base plate to be assigned.
  4. Specify the end to which you want the plate to be added.

The plate is fitted without anchor and bores. The following entries are required:

  • Plate thickness and projection of the plate

The plate is fitted with anchor and bores. The following entries are required in this case:

  • Plate thickness and projection of the plate
  • Selection of an insert – if required
  • Specification of the anchor diameter. The bore is calculated from this value. The length of the anchor is automatically determined and cannot be changed.
  • Specification of x- and y-coordinates for the bore (distance from the centroid of the beam)

The plate, including the bores, but not the anchor is fitted. Required entries:

  • Plate thickness and projection of the plate
  • Specification of the anchor diameter
  • Specification of x- and y-coordinates for the bore (distance from the centroid of the beam)

The beam is shortened by the plate thickness.

From left to right: Only plate - Plate with bores - Plate and anchor with insert


The base plate is assigned as a sub-part to the identified beam.

Further Connections + Construction Aids (3-D SE)Connections + Variants (3-D SE)Steel Engineering Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Steel Engineering
Date: 28/09/2018

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