Database Attributes and Dialogue Types (P+ID)

P+ID > Settings > Settings > Libraries

The names for the various dialogue types have been saved in the symbol libraries so far. It was therefore possible (but not useful) to assign different names to a dialogue type, identified by HiCAD via an appropriate code number, in different symbol libraries.

The database part attributes are also defined via code numbers in the P+ID. The names of the used attributes and the corresponding codes had to be inserted into the ATTRCODE.DAT (in ...\PID\ADMIN) file, so far.

All attribute and dialogue type definitions are now managed centrally and are saved separated from the symbol libraries. The definitions, as well as the symbol libraries, will be saved in the library directory (...\PID\LIBS) and are integrated in a P+ID project for use. When creating a new P+ID project, the definitions from the library directory will be integrated automatically, i.e. copied to the project.

In addition to the default assignments of the input fields belonging to the master data mask and dialogue types to data masks for title block symbols, you can allocate up to 20 optional input fields for dialogue types Reserve 1 to Reserve 20. The title block symbols in the title block library (e.g. ISDFRAMES_ENG) have been expanded by these dialogue types.

The assignment is made with the FLZVTXNR.DAT file (in \HICAD\SYS).

Definitions will be taken over from the library directory for older projects, which do not include these definitions. From the symbol libraries integrated in the project, the dialogue types defined by the user with codes between 500 and 599 as well as the special dialogue types for title blocks (600 to 799) will be taken over in the new administration of definitions. The attribute codes, added by the user in the ATTRCODE.DAT file will also be taken over. The definitions integrated and added to the project will thus be save with the project.

The Database attributes and dialogue types section provides the following options:

Edit definitions

P+ID Library > Attribute and dialogue type definitions

P+ID Symbols > Attribute and dialogue type definitions

This function enables you to process the attribute and dialogue type definitions saved in the current configuration. The corresponding name is shown in the title bar of the window.

The definition of a dialogue type or an attribute exists of the information of a row in this table, which contains the following data in its five columns:


  • for all symbol types (can be used for all symbol types)
  • for title block only (cannot be used for title block symbols)
  • not for title block (can only be used for title block symbols)
  • for BOMs only (cannot be used in symbol data mask)
  • Decimal (attribute value is a decimal number)
  • Integer (attribute value is an integer number)
  • Text (attribute value is a character string)
  • The access mode is Read and Write or Read/ Write/Delete and the code is between 500 and 599 (user-definable dialogue types)
  • or the expert mode has been activated
  • the access type is Read+Write or Read/Write/Delete
  • or the expert mode has been activated
  • Read only
  • Read and write
  • Read/write/delete
  • the access type is Read+Write or Read/Write/Delete
  • or the expert mode has been activated.


Insert new dialogue type definition

Right-click to open the context menu. Select Insert dialogue type.

Select the appropriate settings for Options and Access and enter a name fort he dialogue type. If you do not enter an alias, the name will be taken over as an alias. You can also abolish the input with Cancel. Use OK to take over the new definition. It will be shown in the last line. A code number between 500 and 599, which has not been used so far, will automatically be generated.

User-defined dialogue types are already available.

These are also available in the symbol data masks of the supplied libraries.

If you want to use one of the user-defined dialogue types, change the alias name according to the intended use. The dialogue type is only available in the P+ID when it has no longer the *-prefix.

You can then, for example, use the Edit symbol function to assign text to this dialogue type for any symbol you want to insert into the P+ID.


Insert new attribute definition

Right-click to open the context menu. Select Insert attribute.

Choose the appropriate setting for Access. Select the required attribute via Name. Options shows the corresponding type of attribute. An attribute, which is neither identified as a decimal, integer or text attribute, will be classified as a text attribute. If the required attribute does not exist yet exist in the database, you are enabled to enter it via Name; specify the required type of attribute via Options.

You can also discard the input with Cancel. Use OK to take over the new definition. It will be shown in the last line. An appropriate code number, which has not been used so far, will automatically be generated.


Delete definition

A definition can only be deleted if the expert mode is active or if Read/Write/Delete is shown in the appropriate line via access.

In order to delete a definition, mark the appropriate line with the RMB and select Delete element in the context menu.

Alternatively, mark the required line with the LMB and use the DEL key.


Import dialogue type definitions

This function can only be called in the expert mode.

You are enabled to import dialogue type definitions from an symbol library. You can also select the symbol library via the database.

Click Import to select the library and execute the import. When importing, only dialogue types with code numbers from 500 to 599 (user-defined) as well as 600 to 799 (for title blocks, possibly renamed by the user) will be taken into ac-count.

If you extended symbol libraries with an older HiCAD version or if you created your own symbol libraries and defined you own dialogue types (code numbers from 500 – 599), you should import the dialogue type definitions from these symbol libraries.


Import attribute definitions

This function can only be called in the expert mode. You are enabled to import attribute definitions from the attribute file (...\PID\ADMIN).

Select Import to execute the import. When importing, only the entries in ATTRCODE.DAT (from line 50) will be taken into account, as these have been added subsequently be the user.

If you extended the ATTRCODE.DAT file with an older HiCAD version, you should import these attribute definitions.


Cancel editing

You are enabled to activate Cancel in order to cancel the processing at any time. A query will be displayed, as all modifications made so far will then be cancelled.


Save changes

Click on Save to take over all changes made so far. Please remember that changed definitions can only have an effect on an existing P+ID project, when you integrate the definitions in the project again.

Integrate definitions

Similar to the symbol library, dialogue type and attribute definitions need to be integrated in a P+ID project, where they are to be used. This is the purpose of this function. As a project needs to include such definitions, there is no removal function.

Show integrated definitions

This function shows the dialogue type and attribute definitions, which are integrated in the active project.

A modification of the definitions is not useful at this point and is not permitted at the moment, independent of the entries in the Access column. In the unlikely case that a correction is required, activate the expert mode for processing.

Settings (P+ID)Libraries (P+ID)

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HiCAD P+ID
Date: 30/10/2018

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