Equate Position of a Discontinuation Symbol (P+ID)
P+ID > Symbol > Move
> Equate position
Select the Equate position function to equate the position of a discontinuation symbol.
If you have identified a discontinuation symbol (here referred to as Symbol 1) to which another discontinuation symbol has been assigned (here referred to as Symbol 2), this function has the following effect:
- If both symbols are aligned horizontally, Symbol 2 is moved in Y-direction, in such a way that the Y coordinate for its fitting point coincides with the Y-coordinate of the fitting point for Symbol 1.
- If both symbols are aligned vertically, Symbol 2 will be moved in X-direction, in such a way that the X-coordinate for its fitting point coincides with the X-coordinate for the fitting point of Symbol 1.
Transform Symbol (P+ID)
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