Assign Pipe Part (P+ID)

P+ID > Pipeline Symbol > Edit > Pipe part symbols: Assign, individually

P+ID > Pipeline Symbol > Edit > Pipe part symbols: Assign, in rectangle

Pipe connection sections and pipe part symbols can be assigned sbsequently, or, if already assigned, they can be transferred to other pipeline symbols.

If you right-click the icon, a context menu containing all available options is activated. Left-click the icon to call the main function underlined in the context menu.

  1. First identify the pipeline to which pipe parts or pipe connections should be assigned.

HiCAD displays the name of the selected pipeline and prompts you to confirm your selection.

  1. Respond with Yes, and select the pipe parts or connections to be assigned.

If a selected connection or symbol already belongs to another pipeline, an appropriate message is issued.

You can check the result of your assignments with the Show pipeline function.

Pipeline Tools (P+ID)

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HiCAD P+ID
Date: 30/10/2018

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