You can design individual layouts for the heading and foot note section of your BOMs. Different layouts can be specified for the first page, intermediate pages and the last page(s) of a BOM.
These sections may contain:
Header/footer sections are divided into several rectangular boxes. The output information is then positioned in the appropriate sections. Functions for the specification of boxes, colour representation, and the positioning of information etc. are available. Please note that the syntax of the required programming commands must be respected.
Several templates are already delivered with HiCAD. These files are stored in the subdirectory PRINTDAT of your HiCAD directory. Header template files have the file name extension .KGR, footer template files have the extension .FGR.
You can re-use these files by simply changing the company name and the logo. You can as well create completely new template files. As template files are conventional ASCII files, they can be created and processed with any standard text editor.
Please note that the following guidelines regarding the syntax must be respected:
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