Example of a User-Defined Column: Total Weight
Proceed as follows to create a new column for the Total Weight,
i.e. Quantity * Weight:
- Click on the
Create new column symbol.
- Specify the
Column name, e.g. "Total Weight".
- Select "Double" for
Type and 2 Decimal places.
- Specify the
Alias names, e.g. Tot.Weight.
- Accept the suggested Attribute name .
- Select the
Orientation, e.g. "Right"
- Place the cursor on
the Formula field. Delete the suggested
"-" sign.
- Place the mouse
pointer on the entry Quantity % Quantity
Hold down the LMB and drag the entry into the formula field: [%Quantity]
Add the multiplication operator * to the entry: [%Quantity]*
Place the mouse pointer on the entry 0.1 Weight §01
Hold down the LMB and drag the entry into the formula field: [%Quantity]*[§01]
- Click on the Add column symbol. The new column will be taken over to
the list field.
The definition of the column is now completed. Select OK to exit the window.
Add User-Defined Columns
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