Boolean Operators

When working with functions based on Boolean operations such as Add, Subtract or Intersection with 3-D Part, you can also subsequently modify the processed part, i.e. the part to which the subtraction or adding is applied, or replace it with another part. Furthermore, you can parameterise the position of the processing part.

The processed part

If a part is processed using Boolean operations, a sub-entry for the added/subtracted part with the name Processed part is added to the feature log of this part under the corresponding feature, such as union or intersection.

If you expand this entry, the various functions for processed parts are displayed. Double-click the functions to activate them.

Load processed part

Use this function if you want to include the added/subtracted part in the part structure. This may, for example, be useful in the following cases:

  • While executing the Boolean operation, you have answered No to the question Retain 2nd part?, but now want to include it in the part structure.
  • You want to use an existing processed part for other operations. In this case, you can include the part in the part structure and then move it accordingly.

This function enables you to exchange one processed part for another.

  1. Draw the new part or use one that already exists.
  2. Choose the Processed part, exchange function from the Feature log.
  3. Identify the newly created or loaded processed part. The processed part of the feature log is replaced by the identified part. The relevant objects are adjusted accordingly.

You use this function to hide the object belonging to a processed part. The processed part itself remains visible. This can facilitate processing, particularly with complex models. To show the part again subsequently, use the Show part function.

Please note:

Referenced parts which are used as processed parts in the feature log, (e.g. in case of Boolean Operations) will not be updated in a feature recalculation. HiCAD will always use the state at the moment of feature creation. To update the processed parts manually, proceed as follows:

Fitting point

You can parameterise the position of the processed part, i.e. the added/subtracted part.

To do this, you need to assign an isolated point and a fitting point ID to the processed part. The ID must be a !. In other words, the part retains its natural size.

To do this, open the 3-D Standard tab and select Tools > Point > New point number.

Once you have assigned a point number, you can use the feature log to enter the new position of the fitting point.

Recalculate Yes/No

Functions like Addition, Subtraction, Intersection etc. can take variables assigned to the processed part into account when recalculating the features.

For this to happen, the Recalculation entry needs to be set to Yes in the feature log.

Feature Technology: Context MenuThe Feature Configuration

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Feature Technology
Date: 14/09/2018

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