Feature Log: External References

External references are specifically marked in the feature log. The type of the external reference will be distinguished, in particular with regard to whether it is actually used: If a feature log contains an external reference which is currently used by the part, this is indicated by an e in the icon, otherwise an a appears.(The property Use external references can be changed in the context menu of the feature log.)

External References

Mid point or end point of an edge, centre point of a circle etc. Given, e.g., for positioning points of standard bores.

For example, an edge which is filleted or rotated about a surface.

For example, a surface which is rotated or to which a part is trimmed.

The plane can be a real plane in a part, but also be defined via 3 points or 2 straight edges.


The symbol does not appear when generating the processing, but only after the first Feature recalculation.

How the Feature Model WorksExternal References

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Feature Technology
Date: 14/09/2018

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