Feature Technology - Clone Processings

3-D-Standard > Process > Clone processings

Clone processings

The Clone processings function allows you to apply one or several processing steps in the feature log multiple times, i.e. the processing will be "cloned", so to speak. You can call the function either via 3-D Standard > Process > Clone processings , or by right-clicking a feature log entry and selecting "Clone feature".

When you call the function, the following dialogue window will be displayed:

(1) In this area, the features of the active part are listed. Use the checkboxes preceding the features to select the features you want to clone. If a feature is greyed out, it cannot be cloned. If y feature is highlighted in blue, you need to perform a recalculation before you can clone the feature.

The following processing steps can be cloned:

(2) Use these buttons to add various patterns for the clonings.

The following cloning patterns are available:

You can also add several patterns, which will then be applied one after the other.

(3) In this area the added patterns are displayed and can then be modified or deleted.

(4) In this area you can define Omissions.

(5) Click the Preview button to switch the preview of the cloned features on or off. Use the Clone, one-sided checkbox to activate or deactivate the option to apply clonings also in the opposite displacement or rotation direction.

Linear pattern

Rotatory pattern



Polyline pattern


Examples showing the effect of the "Fixed point" alignment type

"Original position": "No fixing"

Fixed point in the middle of the marker.

Normal "No fixing"

Fixed point at the upper "spike"

Cloned attachment along a spiral. Left: Without fixed point; Right: With fixing direction along centre axis of the large cylinder

Translatory and rotatory pattern

The translatory and rotatory pattern combines a linear pattern with a rotatory pattern. In the process, the direction vector of the linear movement will be rotated before the displacement for each clone.

Mirror transformation

Multiple clonings

If you specify several patterns for a cloning action by means of the Clone processings function, they will be applied in the order in which they were defined. Patterns that are defined later will then no longer only affect the one original processing, but also the processings created by the processings created by the previous patterns. Therefore, the result of the function also depends on the order of the processings.

One example is the plate with one subtraction. The subtraction is to be cloned linearly along the upper edge, and rotatorily about the centre of the plate.

The original situation with direction vector and rotation axis looks as follows:

If you first apply the linear pattern, and then the rotatory pattern, you will obtain the desired result:

If you change the order of patterns, the result will look completely different:


In the Omissions area you can specify individual clonings that are to be omitted. To do this, click on the Select omission button (1) and then identify individual omissions in the drawing (2).

Alternatively you can click Show table (3) button show the omissions in tabular form.

One column will be displayed per defined cloning pattern. One row stands for one omission. You can add further omissions by clicking the Plus button.

You can right-click an entry of the table to open a context menu that offers, besides common functions such as Undo or CopyPaste, some other functions:



The anti-slip nubs on this stool were cloned on the basis of the nub in the bottom left area - first, linear to the top, and then rotatory to the right.

The following omissions were defined:

Further notes


Please note:

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Feature Technology
Date: 14/09/2018

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