Attach Flanges along Sketch, to Surface (3-D SM)

Sheet Metal > Attach > AlongSkt > Along sketch

Use sketch technology to attach several flanges around a sheet in one step.

The flange is added taking the corresponding technology data into account. Use the Technology data menu to change pre-set technology data.

  1. First, draw a sketch in 3-D.

(1) Sketch
(2) Connecting point in sketch
(3) Reference surface

  1. Then, select the Flanges from sketch function.
  2. Identify the sketch, then identify the connecting point in the sketch.

The flange is constructed, according to the sketch, in negative x-direction. Before identifying the reference surface, right-click to rotate the sketch into positive x-direction.

(4) Sketch, in negative x-direction
(5) Sketch, rotated with a right-click

  1. Now specify the reference surface.

(1) Sketch after insertion

As in this example a bend angle of 60° has been entered for the technology data, the first flange is bent outwards.


Please note: 

Instead of specifying the connecting point you can use the right mouse button to take over the position of the sketch, provided that the sketch lies on the connecting edge.

Attach Flange

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Sheet Metal
Date: 14/09/2018

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