Templates, Attribute Assignment

Drawing > Itemisation/Detailing > Templates > Templates, Attribute assignment

Use this function to adjust the templates for attribute assignment

Templates for attribute assignment - Management + BIM

If you are using Document and Drawing Management for Civil Engineering (Management + BIM), you have the option to create the HELiOS attributes BENENNUNG (Designation) and SACHNUMMER (Article number) of the part drawings from templates files. For this to happen, open the Configuration Editor, choose PDM > Management + BIM > Production drawings and set the Create HELiOS attributes from FTD file to Yes (Default). These templates can be adjusted individually with the Templates, Attribute assignment function.

Furthermore, you can determine the templates for individual drawing numbers of production drawings and mounting drawings as well for individual item numbers here. For this to happen, specify the number of digits for the parameter Generate n-digit drawing number in the Configuration Editor at PDM > Management + BIM > Production drawings (or PDM > Management + BIM, respectively).

The templates for attribute assignment for DSTV-NC export are also FTD files; they are located in the sys directory of your HiCAD installation. Supplied with HiCAD are the templates listed below:



If you want to output several part/beams on one drawing sheet, you can use a different attribute instead of the item number for the configuration of the document attribute BENENNUNG (Designation), e.g.

To edit one of the templates, click on the symbol in the corresponding row. The same dialogue window as the one for the 3-D function Change annotation settings will be displayed. Change the template as required and confirm with OK.

For this purpose an additional FTD file exists in the HiCAD sys directory, namely, BIM_PDM_WSD_Multi_Itemnumber.ftd. This file is "empty" by default, that is, it contains no attribute assignment.

Default of file BIM_PDM_WSD_Multi_Itemnumber.ftd

With this default setting, drawings with multiple parts/beams behave as specified in the file BIM_PDM_WSD_Multi_Designation.ftd when assigned to the attribute BENENNUNG (Designation). With regard to the ISD default setting this means that the text Item No., followed by a list of (reasonably combined) item numbers, will be assigned to the designation of the drawing, e.g. Item No.:101-103.

When the file BIM_PDM_WSD_Multi_Itemnumber.ftd is filled with values (i.e. when you define an attribute assignment), the value specified there will be used - separated by commas, but without the above-mentioned combining.


Click here to view an example

Templates for attribute assignment - DSTV-NC export

For DSTV-NC export, too, you can use template files for the composition of the drawing number, part number, item number or order number and adjust them individually.

If you want these template files to be considered, you need to set the option From template file in the DSTV-NC interface dialogue window as shown below:


The templates for attribute assignment for DSTV-NC export are FTD files, too; they are located in the sys directory of your HiCAD installation. Supplied with HiCAD are the templates listed below:


TemplatesThe "Drawing" Tab

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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