Perpendiculars and Online Points

Perpendicular Point -> Edge (F, FL)

Perpendicular Point -> Edge/Nearest edge ,

The Perpendicular Point -> Nearest edge (F) point option defines the new point by means of a perpendicular from the last point to the line closest to the current cursor position.

The Perpendicular Point- Edge (FL) point option drops a perpendicular from the last point to an identified line element.

If no point exists, HiCAD asks you to define a point from which you want the perpendicular to be dropped.

Perpendicular to surface (FF)

Perpendicular to surface

The new point is defined by means of a perpendicular from the last point to a surface.

Define the surface by identifying two edges.

If no point exists, HiCAD asks you to define a point from which you want the perpendicular to be dropped.

This point option is only available in 3-D.

Online to nearest line/edge (O)

Online to nearest line/edge

From the current cursor position, a perpendicular is dropped to the nearest line/edge.

(1) Last point, (2) Perpendicular from cursor position, (3) Found point

= Current cursor position, = Found point


For the line creation functions in 2-D and the Sketch functions in 3-D, this point option can also be executed with the CTRL+ LMB combination.

Please note that in this case the point options that are indicated next to the cursor (e.g.I = End point or M = Mid point), or the sketching grid (e.g. when selecting 2-D Geometry > Draw > Line) will be ignored, i.e. neither the end point nor the displayed grid point will be applied, but always the nearest online point instead.

If the Glass model/HiddenLine representation has been activated in the 3-D module, you can, for instance, also apply this point option to solid primitives via CTRL+LMB.

Online to nearest line/edge through point (E)

Online to nearest line/edge through point

A perpendicular is defined from an arbitrary point, the reference point, to a line.


(1) Last point, (2) Reference point, (3) Found point

Online to surface through point (OF)

Online to surface through point

The new point is defined by means of a perpendicular from a reference point to a surface.

  1. Define the reference point.
  2. Specify the surface by identifying two edges.

(1) Reference point, (2) First edge for surface, (3) Second edge for surface
= Found point

This point option is only available in 3-D.

Point Option Overview

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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