Delete Objects

Drawing > Delete > Delete objects

Simplify > Delete > Delete objects

To delete drawing objects and elements in your drawing, use the Delete objects function of the Drawing tab.

If you click the icon, the main function, Delete objects (2-D/3-D) is activated and you can select the objects you want to delete, e.g. parts, dimensionings, views or processing planes.

If you click below the icon, a pull-down menu with further Delete functions is displayed. You can then select particular object types, e.g. dimensionings, texts, hatchings, fillets etc.




Delete graphical elements

Deletes individual edges or all edges of a sketch or a 3-D sketch.


Delete dimensioning

Opens the menu for deletion of 3-D dimensionings. The functions are identical to the Delete functions on the 3-D Dimensioning + Text tab.

Delete text

Delete fillet/chamfer

Delete bore/subtraction

Delete Standard Parts/Processings


Delete processing planes

Opens the menu for deletion of processing planes.




Delete graphical elements

Deletes 2-D graphical elements, e.g. fillets and chamfers, individual lines or polylines, symbols etc.


Delete dimensioning

Opens the menu for deletion of 2-D dimensionings. The functions are identical to the Delete functions on the 2-D Dimensioning + Text tab.


Delete text

Opens the menu for deletion of texts. The functions are identical to the Delete functions for texts on the 2-D Dimensioning + Text tab.



Opens a menu with further DElete functions, e.g. for points, symbols, fillets etc.

Delete part hatching

Delete part hatching, in rectangle




Delete contour hatching

Activates the Delete contour hatching menu. The functions are identical to the Delete functions at 2-D Part > Hatching > Del. >... .


Delete overlap contour

Activates the Delete contour hatching menu. The functions are identical to the Delete functions at 2-D Part > Overlap > Part >... .

Delete dummy parts

Delete 2-D, in rectangle

Deletes all 2-D element within a defined rectangle.


If a Delete function is active, the cursor displays changes. To end the Delete function, press the middle mouse button (wheel). HiCAD will then be back in Select function/object mode.


You can also find Delete functions in the context menus of various objects (RMB) and in the ICN.

ICNCursor and Object Snap

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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