Instead of entering values, you can also copy coordinates directly from the drawing. To do this, press the left mouse button and identify the point the coordinates of which you want to copy.
If the X coordinate is copied from the drawing, direct value input of
the other coordinates (Y, Z) is no longer possible. In this case, however, you
can use the point option AY to determine the Y coordinate.
If you want to copy all coordinates directly from the drawing, use the Point from X and Y position AR point option.
The point is defined by entering its X coordinate. The Y (and Z) coordinate is defined by the point that was specified last. If no last point is available, HiCAD asks you to specify a reference point.
You can use point option AY to define a point in the same way by specifying its Y coordinate and applying the X and Z coordinates of the last point.
As for point option A, both point options also allow the coordinate to be taken from a drawing.
Shortened coordinates
Use this option to determine a point by entering its absolute coordinates. In contrast to the Absolute coordinates option, the specified values refer to the reference point of the drawing. A difference between the options does only exist if you select as the reference point a different point as 0,0.
If you select, for instance, the point with the coordinates 10, 15 as the reference point, the two entries
A 35 25 and K 25 10 will define the same point.
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