Snap Points with the Autopilot

The HiCAD Autopilot is a tool for defining points. If you move the cursor over the drawing objects while the Autopilot is switched on, information is displayed about snappable points (snap symbols) and, for various functions, about lines, dimensions or texts. Whenever HiCAD requests a point specification, these snappable points can be applied directly without having to activate a point option.

The Autopilot is switched on by default. If HiCAD requests a point specification, the cursor is displayed as a crosshairs with a snap circle.

If you want to apply a snappable point directly, place the cursor near this point. If the Autopilot has found the point, a corresponding symbol is displayed next to the cursor:

Snappable points include:

End points (I),

Midpoints (M),

Genuine and theoretical intersection points (S or S2),

Centres of an arc or a circle (Z),

Base points/Perpendiculars from points (F),

Tangential points (T),

Isolated points (J),

Quad points (QP), and

Online points (O).


The found points and the original geometry relevant for point specification are highlighted in a different colour (Special colour, Marking 1), e.g. the circle for quad points, the arc/circle for centres, or the line for mid points:

Simply left-click to apply a snap point. You activate the Point Options menu by (left) double-clicking or by pressing the Return key.


To switch the Autopilot off, proceed as follows:

  1. Place the cursor at any position outside a snap point.
  2. Activate the Point options menu by double-clicking (left mouse button).
  3. Click Settings .
  4. Select the Snap radius Off function.


To switch the Autopilot on again,

  1. Place the cursor at any position outside a snap point.
  2. Activate the Point options menu by double-clicking (left).
  3. Call the Settings pop-up menu.
  4. Select the Snap radius Onfunction.


To define the size of the snap radius, open the Configuration Editor (ISDConfigEditor.exe) and select ... > System settings > Identification > Snap radius (Default = 2 mm).

Point Option OverviewBasic SettingsIntelligent Cursor and Object Snap

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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