Info Bar, Info Toolbar and Status Bar

User guidance

HiCAD displays user guidance texts in the Info bar and the Info toolbar. You can activate or deactivate these bars via Settings > Docking windows.

Info bar

The Info bar is displayed below the multifunctional toolbar and extends across the entire window width (Microsoft standard). It can be hidden and redisplayed, but not moved.



Info toolbar

The info toolbar is displayed in a small window on the bottom left, below the drawing area. The window can be moved freely, hidden and redisplayed.



The dialogue text also contains advice on whether you can use the right mouse button to activate a context menu or whether special functions are possible, e.g. Select function/object (RMB=Ext. selection).

Status bar

The status bar fields are for information purposes only.

The meaning of the above fields is as follows (from left to right):

  1. name of the active part,
  2. active view and view scale,
  3. scale of the current drawing,
  4. current coordinate system and
  5. current cursor coordinates

Please note:

User Interface

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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