Keyboard Layout

Various functions can be called both in the drawing and in the ICN directly via the numerical keypad of the keyboard or with specific shortcuts.

Keyboard layout in the drawing

  • Indicate orientation of active Steel Engineering beam on/off*
  • Show alignment of active 3-D part in drawing (if alignment has been explicitly set) *

RMB = right mouse button; MMB = middle mouse button/mouse wheel; LMB = left mouse button


Buttons 0 to 8 are mere macro calls. They are available in this form only if macros (0.MAC, 1.MAC, ...) with the same names do not already exist in the sys directory of the HiCAD installation. The call can only be performed via the standard keyboard, not via the number block.

Keyboard layout in the ICN

Using the MouseSelect Parts • Customising the Keyboard

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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