Surface Border Representation (3-D)

Drawing> Properties > Attr. > Surface border representation

This function is used to visualise edges/ surface borders in different ways.



The surface borders are displayed normally, irrespective of type or attachment.


The edges are displayed in different colours, depending on the surfaces that are attached to them.

  • white: edges with surface attached on both sides
  • green: edges which have a surface attached on only one side
  • red: edges with no surfaces attached to them.

Geometric connection

Edges that connect two surfaces are marked in different colours, depending on their transitional behaviour, while all other edges are marked in white.

  • white: edge not on 2 facets
  • green: convex
  • red: concave
  • light blue: tangential.

Freeform Surfaces

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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