Scale and Unit of Measurement

The Main scale of active drawing and Unit of measurement functions enable you to make subsequent changes to the current drawing or choose another dimensioning unit.


Main scale of active drawing

Drawing > Properties > Scale

HiCAD uses the scale that was last selected in the Start Centre when creating a drawing. The Main scale of active drawing function enables you to make subsequent changes to the scale of the current drawing.

  1. Choose a scale predefined in the list box or enter the desired scale into the input field. If you enter only one number, the scale will be set to 1:1.
  2. Choose OK to exit the window.

Unit of measurement

Drawing > Properties > Attr. > Unit of measurement

This function enables you to choose another unit of measurement for the active drawing. The HiCAD default setting for the unit of measurement is mm.

Coordinate SystemsZoom Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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