Mid Points, Centres and Centroids

Midpoints (M, M2)

Mid points .. ,

The Mid point of a line (M) option defines the midpoint of a line lying closest to the current cursor position. In the case of circular arcs, the point that divides the arc into two arcs of equal length is defined.

You cannot use this option for full circles and ellipses.

The Midpoint between 2 points(M2) option defines the midpoint between two arbitrary points.

Centre (Z)


This option defines the midpoint of a circle, an ellipse or an arc.

Centre of a polyhedral circle (ZP)

Centre of a polyhedral circle

In 2-D:

HiCAD first searches for the line closest to the current cursor position. It then searches for the connecting line with the largest angle. The intersection point of the perpendicular bisector of these two lines lies at the centre of the polyhedral circle.


(1) Cursor position, (2) Found point


In 3-D:

HiCAD first searches for the edge closest to the current cursor position and then the connecting edge with the largest angle. The intersection point of the perpendicular bisector of these two edges is taken.

= Current cursor position, = Found point

Surface centroid (SP)


Here, the centroid of a surface is defined.

Only the centroid of a calculable surface can be identified. The prerequisite is that the surface has a closed polyline.

Body centroid (SK)

Body centroid  

You use this option to define the centroid of a body. Identify the body by entering its name.

Point Option Overview

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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