Exchange Valves (PE)

Plant Engineering > Pipeline Tools > Change > Exchange valves

Use these functions to exchange a valve that occurs several times in one or several pipelines.

Exchange valves, in all pipelines

Exchange valves in one pipeline

Plant Engineering > Pipeline Tools > Change > Exchange valves, in one pipeline

This function enables you to exchange a valve occurring once or several times in the active pipeline with another valve. Proceed as follows:

  1. Select the desired pipeline.
  2. Identify the valve that you want to exchange.
  3. Select the valve that should replace the selected part. Select the part from the HELiOS database or the HiCAD catalogue, depending on the specified part data source.
  4. HiCAD checks how many times the identified valve occurs in the selected pipeline and replaces them with the new valve.

(1) Active pipeline, (2) Selected part, (3) Exchanged parts


After completion of the exchanging process, HiCAD will display a message showing show how many parts could be exchanged successfully.

If the exchange was unsuccessful for some parts, HiCAD will display an error log showing you the locations where the error occurred. The following cases are possible:

Example of an error log

Here, the new part could not be inserted in both cases. Therefore the corresponding guideline part enabling the retrieval of the insertion location is shown in the log.

Double-clicking a text row in the log activates the corresponding part in the part structure, and highlights it in the ICN as well as in the CAD-drawing. The same effect can be achieved by marking a text row in the log and clicking the Show button. After finishing your evaluation of the log, click End.


Please note:

Exchange valves in all pipelines

Plant Engineering > Pipeline Tools > Change > Exchange valves, in all pipelines

This function enables you to exchange a valve occurring once or several times in the active pipeline with another valve in all pipelines. Proceed as follows.

  1. Identify the valve that you want to exchange.
  2. Select the valve that should replace the selected part. Select the part from the HELiOS database or the HiCAD catalogue, depending on the specified part data source.
  3. HiCAD checks in which pipelines the identified valve occurs and exchanges the valves in all found pipelines with the new valves.

The progress of the exchanging process, as well as the currently processed pipeline will be displayed in a dialogue window.

If you click Cancel, only the processing of the currently processed pipeline will be completed. After this the function will be cancelled.

Please note:

Pipeline Tools (PE) Plant Engineering Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Plant Engineering
Date: 11/07/2019

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