Part Type: Vessels, Pumps, Other components (PE)

Rules for the creation of individual Plant Engineering parts



Named isolated points

Connecting points should preferably be created via the Component connection function or by the insertion of nozzles.

Each component connection (and the fitting point, if it is an auxiliary point) needs to be located in a plane belonging to the part. It needs however not be located within the surface boundary.


If the connecting point is located in the plane of the ring surface, the surface condition is fulfilled.

Caution: It would also be fulfilled if the point would be located in the same plane, but outside of the ring.

To assign an unambiguous orientation to a connection, a connecting point must not fulfil the surface condition for several surfaces at once.


Required attributes for entries into database or catalogue

The entering of attribute values and the part type selection should be performed using the PAA Editor.

Values need to be entered for at least the following attributes:

Creating Individual Parts: Procedure (PE) 

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Plant Engineering
Date: 11/07/2019

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