Pipe Parts: T-Pieces (PE)

Plant Engineering > New > Pipe parts > T-piece

In guideline mode, you should draw the vertical branching of a guideline (control edges) before inserting the part – starting on an edge belonging to the other guideline.

The part is then interactively set on the branch point with the help of the named isolated point 4. HiCAD automatically aligns the part in the given direction of the branch.

T-pieces on edge branching

This function is only available in guideline mode. If necessary, the given nominal diameter values for both guidelines (control edges) are used as search criteria.

You can also use this function to place T-pieces on corners of guidelines. Proceed as follows:

  1. After selecting the function, identify the corner point of the guideline. Use the functions of the context menu (right-click) to change the insertion direction.
  2. Select the guideline for the branch, i.e. the edge on which Connection 3 for the T-piece is to be located.
  3. Then, select - depending on the current Plant Engineering Settings - the T-piece from the HiCAD catalogue of from the HELiOS database.

The T-piece will then be inserted. In the process, the guideline will automatically be divided into 2 guidelines at the selected corner. The guideline on which Connections 1 and 2 of the T-piece are now located will be lengthened beyond the T-piece.



Current guideline

Identification nof corner point (1) and selection of guideline for branching (2)


Inserted T-piece and divided guideline

Set all
This function is only available in guideline mode. In this case all guideline end points in the active pipeline are detected, that are set on another guideline in this pipeline. The appropriate T-Pieces are automatically set on these points.

Part selection and alignment are carried out as for the function T-pieces > On edge branching.


This part type allows the creation of branchings by means of saddle connections or pipes with smaller diameters, via cylindrical sections ending in a connecting surface. If desired, several branchings (in different directions) can be created. The branching point may also be located on Point 4. Click here for further information.

Pipe Parts (PE)Part Selection - Catalogue or Database (PE)General Information on Pipe Parts (PE)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Plant Engineering
Date: 11/07/2019

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