Variant for Part Type: Straight Pipe (PE)

Rules for the creation of Feature Variants for Plant Engineering parts


a = Insertion length dimension
(e.g. L, L1 etc.)
a = Insertion length dimension
(e.g. L, L1 etc.)
a = Insertion length dimension
(e.g. L, L1 etc.)
a = Insertion length dimension
(e.g. L, L1 etc.)


Named isolated points


Variables names

If the variables names given in the Name column are used, you do not need to assign any attributes to them via the Variant Editor. If different variables are required, you need to assign the attributes given in the Attribute column.


VAA file

Use the Variant Editor to enter the suitable part type into the VAA file.

Then, use the Variant Editor to expand the VAA file in such a way that it contains values for the sizes specified here, and that the predefined attribute assignment is entered:

If required, the attribute LAENGE needs to be assigned to the length variables (see Variables names above).


For variant synchronization you also need to enter the values for the attributes which are to apply to all sub-types of the variant.

Values must be entered for at least the following attributes:

If you want the two pipe ends to have different connection types, the connection type for Connection 1 must be specified for the ANSCHLUSSART attribute, and the connection type for Connection 2 for the ANSCHLUSSART2 attribute.

If you want to create a new feature variant of a straight pipe with different connection types, the part must be constructed in such a way that the value of the attribute ANSCHLUSSART is smaller than the value of the attribute ANSCHLUSSART2.

Let us assume that you require a pipe that can be butt-welded at one end, and has a screwed socket at the other end.

The connection type for butt-welded connections is 10000, the one for screwed sockets is 32000. This means that Connection 1 (Point designation "!") is required for the welded connection (ANSCHLUSSART = 10000) and Connection 2 (point designation "2") is required for the screwed connection (ANSCHLUSSART2 = 32000).




Provide auxiliary part when fitting part

If appropriately preset in the ANSCHLUSSART (CONNECTION_TYPE) attribute for a connection, the part will provide and connect an auxiliary part of the standard specified in the attribute for the connection when being fitted. For example, if the part has a flange connection and the corresponding counter-flange is required, the content of the ANSCHLUSSART (CONNECTION_TYPE) attribute could look as follows:

20002 1 5100010 EN 1092-1/11/A/PN 40

EN 1092-1/11/A/PN 40 is the standard designation with which the flange is to be entered into the database.


Flange connection


Flange with groove connection


Flange with notch connection


Flange connection of a part that is not a flange itself. The part has a loose flange that is modelled as a sub-part and has no own article master attached to this connection.


Screwed, nipple


Screwed, socket


Plugged, nipple


Plugged, socket


Socket-welded, nipple


Socket-welded, socket

The last character (x) provides information about the meaning of the supplement:

0 =No supplement

2 = The supplement consists of connection number, part type, ID, and standard of the part to be connected

The prefixed connection number indicates the connection with which the auxiliary part is to be attached to the current connection.


Please also read the information given in the paragraphs Connection type ID with priority information and Connection type ID - List of part standards.




Pipe-dependent placing of loose flanges

Loose flanges can be placed manually or automatically on the connecting point of straight pipes. In the process, the first connecting point of the loose flange will be placed on the connecting point of the straight pipe. Sometimes, however, it is desirable to move the representation of the loose flange slightly away from the connecting point, e.g. in cases where the straight pipe ends with a flanged edge which is not to be overlapped by the geometry of the loose flange.

To achieve this, you can define a suitable distance in the feature variables of the straight pipe. This distance must be stored in the Variable F1 for the first connecting point, and in the Variable F2 for the second connecting point.

Even if the end of the pipe is a flanged end, the required connection type will be 10000 (welded connection).

The result will look as follows:

(1) Straight pipe, (2) Loose flange, (3) Collar piece, modelled as straight pipe defining a distance of the loose flange via F1 for the first connecting point.


After insertion of the loose flange, its first connecting point will still be located at the end of the straight pipe, but the part geometry and the second connecting point have been moved away from the connection by the value F1.


During manual placing of loose flanges, please bear in mind that the Guideline mode must be switched off, and that Connection 1 on target connection must have been selected during insertion.

Rules for the Creation of User-Defined Parts (PE)

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HiCAD Plant Engineering
Date: 11/07/2019

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